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0114 288 9119

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Winterise your business to protect your products and equipment from the effects of winter weather.

With winter approaching, now is the time to start preparing for a range of weather conditions that could affect your business. Freezing temperatures can have severe effects on equipment and pipework, as well as products and processes.

Winterisation is the process of protecting your business against these conditions.

Powertherm can help winterise your business with a range of insulation and trace heating solutions, prolonging the life of your assets, and preventing downtime.


Powertherm are a member of the Thermal Insulation Contractors Association (TICA) and fully versed in the latest products and techniques, with a particular focus on quality, reliability, durability and innovation.

Trace Heating

Powertherm also provide electrical trace heating services to a vast range of industries, from food processing, pharmaceutical manufacture and energy projects, to water treatment and petrochemical plants.

Installing frost protection trace heating can not only prevent loss and damage to products and equipment, but can also reduce the risk of injury to an employer and the general public.